近日,西华大学食品与生物工程学院“发酵食品过程学”团队以向文良教授为通讯作者,蔡婷博士为第一作者在Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture(二区Top期刊,IF:3.639)上发表题为“HigBA toxin–antitoxin system of Weissella cibaria is involved in response to the bile salt stress”的研究论文。
能够耐受胃肠道不利环境是筛选益生菌的重要指标之一。Weissella cibaria广泛存在于各类自然发酵食品中,它是自然发酵泡菜前期的异型乳酸发酵优势菌,且能赋予泡菜更好的风味。同时,还具有抗氧化、免疫调节和产生胞外多糖等益生特性。已有研究报道W. cibaria能够耐受胃肠道的低酸和高胆盐环境。毒素-抗毒素系统(Toxin-antitoxin systems, TAs)是细菌基因组中普遍存在的适应遗传元件,近年来有报道称细菌的TAs在应对各种环境胁迫中发挥了重要作用。但到目前为止,关于益生菌TAs对胃肠道特别是低酸高胆盐环境的响应研究还鲜有报道。研究结果表明:Weissella cibaria 018可以在 pH 3.0 - 5.0 和 0.5 - 3.0 gL-1胆汁盐中存活(Fig. 1),其HigBA TAs参与响应胆盐胁迫,但对酸胁迫无响应。Weissella cibaria 018的毒素蛋白 HigB 及其同源抗毒素蛋白 HigA 与Lactobacillus plantarum的相似性分别达到85.1% 和 100%(Fig. 3),它们在W. cibaria 018中形成了稳定的四聚体HigB-(HigA)2-HigB 结构(Fig. 4)。当细菌暴露于3.0 g L-1胆盐条件下,W. cibaria018中的HigBA 系统被激活,higB 和higA 的转录分别上调 19.29 和 30.91 倍 (Fig. 2)。同时,W. cibaria 018聚集成团形成持留细胞以逃避胆盐压力,从而达到更高的存活率(Fig. 5 和Fig. 6)。该结果为研究益生菌耐受胆盐的作用机制提供了一个新的视角。
Figure 1. The survival rate of W. cibaria 018 under pH (A) and bile salt (B) stress.

Figure 2. The operon structure of HigBA and their relative quantification in W. cibaria 018. A: Relative quantification of higA and higB under pH 2.0 - 6.0; B: Relative quantification of higA and higB under 0.5 - 3.0 g L-1bile salt. C: The operon structure of HigBA of W. cibaria 018. Values represent the means of triplicate measurements.

Figure 3. Homologous alignment of HigB (A) and HigA (B) amino acid sequences, α: α-helix; η: η-helix; β: β-sheet; T: turn.

Figure 4. Molecular model of HigBA TA system in W. cibaria 018. A:The homodimers of HigA-HigA; B: The tetramer of HigB-(HigA)2-HigB.

Figure 5. The effect of HigBA on growth and cell morphology of recombinant E. coli BL21.

Figure 6. The effect of HigB on cell morphology of W. cibaria 018 and the tolerance of E. coli/pET28a-higB to the acid and bile salt.
HigBA toxin–antitoxin systemofWeissella cibariais involved in responseto the bile salt stress
