Figure 1. The survival rate of W. cibaria 018 under pH (A) and bile salt (B) stress.
Figure 2. The operon structure of HigBA and their relative quantification in W. cibaria 018. A: Relative quantification of higA and higB under pH 2.0 - 6.0; B: Relative quantification of higA and higB under 0.5 - 3.0 g L-1bile salt. C: The operon structure of HigBA of W. cibaria 018. Values represent the means of triplicate measurements.
Figure 3. Homologous alignment of HigB (A) and HigA (B) amino acid sequences, α: α-helix; η: η-helix; β: β-sheet; T: turn.
Figure 4. Molecular model of HigBA TA system in W. cibaria 018. A:The homodimers of HigA-HigA; B: The tetramer of HigB-(HigA)2-HigB.
Figure 5. The effect of HigBA on growth and cell morphology of recombinant E. coli BL21.
Figure 6. The effect of HigB on cell morphology of W. cibaria 018 and the tolerance of E. coli/pET28a-higB to the acid and bile salt.
HigBA toxin–antitoxin systemofWeissella cibariais involved in responseto the bile salt stress