作者:陈祥贵教授团队 发布时间:2023-10-12 浏览次数:437

近日,西华大学食品与生物工程学院 “食品营养与安全”团队陈祥贵教授课题组在国际生物领域期刊International Journal of Biological MacromoleculesQ1IF: 8.2)发表题为“Enhancing the stability of natural anthocyanins against environmental stressors through encapsulation with synthetic peptide-based gels”的研究论文。食品与生物工程学院讲师李文君博士为论文的第一作者,食品与生物工程学院研究生林李芳洲为该论文第二作者,食品与生物工程学院杨文宇副教授为通讯作者。

 花青素(Anthocyanins, ANS)是多种水果和植物中的天然生物活性色素,大量研究表明,花青素具有抗氧化、抗高脂血症、抗糖尿病和抗癌潜力。广泛应用于食品、医药、保健食品中,具有巨大的研究价值。然而,花青素对各种环境因素非常敏感,如温度、pH值和金属离子,这可能会大大降低其生物活性,并影响产品的外观,如颜色和透明度。例如,在食品工业中,花青素在产品加工和储存过程中可能难以抵抗物理或化学因素引起的降解,这严重限制了其应用。

 多年来,人们一直致力于提高花青素的稳定性,从而开发了各种方法,如酰化修饰和共色。上述基于化学修饰的稳定方法改变了原始花青素的化学性质,这可能会降低其生物活性,增加其生物相容性风险。多肽凝胶作为一种生物内源性分子,在包封和稳定具有生物活性的天然产物(如花青素)方面取得了显著成就。考虑到天然多肽复杂的形态和多样的生化活性,设计并合成了4个序列为NH2-MAAAAAA (NM)Fmoc-MAAAAAA (FM)Fmoc-MMAAAAAA (FMM)NH2-MMAAAAAA (NMM)的新型多肽分子。所有这些新型肽分子都能在室温下快速形成凝胶并有效提高花青素在各种环境因素(包括:高温、pH、金属离子等)胁迫下的稳定性。



2、借助荧光显微镜可以看出花青素被成功附载并均匀分布在多肽凝胶内,通过傅里叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)分析可看出附载花青素的多肽凝胶在1052 cm-1处的C-O-C拉伸振动吸收峰显著增强,表明花青素成功附着在肽基凝胶上。

  1.  借助热重分析(TGA)及多种环境因素(温度、pH、金属离子等)胁迫下的花青素稳定性实验均表明,设计的多肽凝胶可有效提高天然花青素在多种环境下的稳定性,并保持良好的DPPH清除活性,增强了其在食品、生物等领域的应用潜力。

Fig. 1. Schematic presentation illustrating the exceptional potential of the novel peptide-based gels in enhancing the stability of anthocyanin against a range of environmental stressors.

Fig. 2. Micromorphology characterization of four novel peptide-based gels. (A, B) AFM and SEM image of NM peptide hydrogel. (C, D) AFM and SEM image of NMM peptide-based gel. (E, F) AFM and SEM image of FM peptide hydrogel. (G, H) AFM and SEM image of FMM peptide-based gel.

Fig. 3. Rheological characterization of peptide gels at room temperature. (A-D) Storage modulus G’ and loss modulus G’’ of four peptide-based gels, (A) NM gel; (B) NMM gel; (C) FM gel; (D) FMM gel.

Fig. 4. Cell toxicity evaluation of four novel peptide hydrogels. (A) MTT cell viability analysis of peptide-based gels with HEK-293T cells. (B) Hemolysis analysis of peptide-based gels with fresh mouse blood cells. Both the MTT assay and hemolysis analysis showed the high biocompatibility of four novel peptide-based gels. The results were analyzed using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The levels of statistical significance were presented as ns (no significance), and *** p< 0.001.

Fig. 5. Inverted fluorescent microscopic imaging of the distribution of anthocyanin in novel peptide-based gels. (A, B) NM-anthocyanins gel. (C, D) NMM-anthocyanins gel. 

(E, F) FM-anthocyanin gel. (G, H) FMM-anthocyanin gel. The imaging of all peptide-anthocyanin gels showed a significantly uniform and strong fluorescence from anthocyanin.

Fig. 6.(A) Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) analysis of four novel peptide-based gels and peptide-anthocyanin (ANS) gels. (B) Thermogravimetric (TG) analysis of peptide-based gels NM, NMM and NM-ANS, NMM-ANS (C) TG analysis of peptide-based gels FM, FMM and FM-ANS, FMM-ANS, with free ANS as control. Compared with free ANS, anthocyanin loaded by peptide-based gels displayed a significantly improved temperature stability.

Fig. 7. The systematic evaluation of anthocyanins stability improved by novel peptide-based gels under various environmental stressors. (A) Stability evaluation under high-temperature stress (80℃ for 3h). (B) Stability evaluation under metallic ion (Cu2+) condition stress (10mM and 50mM). (C) Stability evaluation under varying pH levels (pH 1.0, 4.0, 7.0 and 10.0). (D) Storage stability evaluation at room temperature for 25days. (E) Evaluation of antioxidant activity following high-temperature stress (50℃ for 72h). The Free group is the meaning of anthocyanin solutions that have not been stabilized by peptide hydrogels (as blanks). The results were analyzed using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA).The levels of statistical significance were presented as ns (no significance), * p< 0.05, ** p< 0.01, and *** p< 0.001.



李文君,博士,西华大学食品与生物工程学院讲师,主要研究方向为食品功能因子、食品安全检测、多肽化学生物学等。参与国家自然科学基金2项、四川省自然科学基金1项;以第一作者在Chinese Chem. Lett., Mater. Horiz.Chem. Commun.Cancer Res.Bioconjugate Chem.等期刊发表研究论文10篇,授权国家发明专利1项。









